
Prefectural decree

On 09 July, 2018 SOGEBRAS received the prefectural decree authorizing to continue its activities.

Arrêté préfectoral H8 du 100718

ISO 9001 V.2015

On March 23, 2018 SOGEBRAS obtained, for all these activities, the certification of its quality management system, by the company LRQA, under the PAA No. 10078122, in accordance with ISO 9001 2015 standard.

Shaping of organic products

On 29 August 2017, the SOGEBRAS Nantes site was referenced to the Bio Agency for its grain and oilseed storage activity under the AB0487A1711 certificate.


On August 8th, 2016 SOGEBRAS obtained for animal feedstuffs activity on its Nantes site the GMP+ B3 certification giving full sanitary safety guarantee.


On January 2014, the President of FACAM stated that SOGEBRAS met the criteria for obtaining the label FONASBA and therefore it was granted.

(SOGEBRASwas among the first three French companies to obtain this label)

AEO customs certified

SOGEBRAS is AEO customs certified by the Directorate General Customs since the 8th November 2010.An approach is implemented to obtain the